When Lionel Savage, a popular poet in Victorian London, learns from his butler that they're broke, he marries the beautiful Vivien Lancaster for her money, only to find that his muse has abandoned him. Distraught and contemplating suicide, Savage accidentally summons the Devil the polite 'Gentleman' of the title who appears at one of the society parties Savage hates. The two hit it off, but when the party's over and Vivien has disappeared, the poet concludes in horror that he must have inadvertently sold his wife to the dark lord. Newly in love with Vivien, Savage plans a rescue mission to Hell that includes Simmons, the butler; Tompkins, the bookseller; Ashley Lancaster, swashbuckling Buddhist; and Savage's spirited kid sister, Lizzie, freshly booted from boarding school for a 'dalliance.' Throughout, his cousin's quibbling footnotes to the text push the story into comedy nirvana

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