For Kate Greene, nothing was as important as the happiness and well-being of her two little boys, Reef and Finn, and her loving husband, Singe. Even when she fell very ill, they were her only concern. Over her last few days, Kate created Mum's List. With Singe's help, she wrote her thoughts and wishes down, trying to help the man she loved create the best life for their sons after she was gone. Mum's List encapsulates Kate's passionate nature, her free spirit and even her sense of humour. It became Singe's rock, as he turned to it again and again for strength and inspiration. Slowly, gradually, Singe began to fulfil Kate's requests. This is the heart-warming memoir of how Kate's list has helped Singe and his brave little boys move on and build a new life for themselves, while always keeping her in their hearts. This updated edition contains new material from Singe and behind-the-scenes photos from the film adaptation of the book

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