Meet the Lakefront Billionaires . . . Julian. If I ever caught on fire, Dahlia Munoz would fan the flames with a smile. So, when she returns to Lake Wisteria, I fully intend to avoid the interior designer. At least until my meddling mother exploits my saviour complex. The faster I help Dahlia find her creative spark, the sooner she will leave town. But while I was busy getting rid of Dahlia, I overlooked one potential issue. What happens if I want her to stay?Dahlia. People say the devil has many faces, but I know only one. Julian Lopez - my childhood rival and family frenemy.I vow to steer clear of him while recovering from my broken engagement, but then the billionaire makes an irresistible offer. Renovate a historic house together and triple our profits. Our temporary truce becomes compromised as we face years' worth of denied attraction and mixed emotions. Giving into our desire is inevitable . . . but falling in love?That isn't part of the plan.'Lauren Asher is an expert at giving readers everything they could ever want in a romance book. It's impossible to avoid becoming addicted to the world she builds' Hannah Grace

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